XI All-Russian Forum
«Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia»

Countdown to the Forum


Karelina Irina,

ICSER Leontief Centre. Director General

Goermar Wilfried,

Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning of Germany. Deputy Head of Division


Urban-Rural Partnerships Growth and innovation through cooperation
Source: Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development of Germany


Round Table
Integrated Development of Rural and Urban Areas: Experience of the Baltic Sea Region


The round table will mainly focus on sharing the experience and best practices in the field of rural-urban cooperation and partnership, Сhallenges, that countries and regions of the Baltic Sea face today are bound to affect and influence the development of Russian regions. One of the most urgent tasks is to develop a partnership between the city and the village as a part of the regional development policy. In order to achieve sustainable development of the regions, it is necessary to analyze the interaction processes, to identify partnership conditions and success factors, and also to implement solutions to the formation of the new rural-urban environment and co-operation incentives. This year, the round table is confined to the 20th anniversary of VASAB Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region activity (www.vasab.org) as well as to the current issues of the Russia’s presidency in the Council of the Baltic Sea States.

Concept Recomend

Welcoming address

Chuguevskaya Elena, Ministry for Regional Development of Russian Federation. Director of Department for Strategic Planning

Urban-rural partnerships in Europe

Goermar Wilfried, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning of Germany. Deputy Head of Division

City-regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region - the case of New Bridges project

Gronholm Bjorn, Union of the Baltic Cities. Head of Environment and Sustainable Development Secretariat

The Importance of Rural-Urban Partnerships

Bryce Betty-Ann, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Administrator, Rural and Regional Programme, Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate

Issues and Development Prospects of Agricultural Urban Projects in Russia

Oding Nina, ICSER Leontief Centre. Head of Research Department

Integrated Development in Functional Urban-Rural Areas in Sweden and BSR

Lindblad Sverker, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications of Sweden. Senior Adviser

Global Challenges and Regional Economy Policy

Tolstoguzov Oleg, Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. Deputy Director on Research
